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Prempeh II Jubilee Museum
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Prempeh II Jubilee Museum

This small yet captivating museum offers a unique and personalized glimpse into Ashanti culture and history, complete with a guided tour that brings the past to life. Nestled in the heart of the National Culture grounds, the museum is designed to resemble an Ashanti chief’s house, featuring a courtyard and walls adorned with intricate traditional carvings.

Inside, visitors are treated to a stunning collection of Ashanti royal artifacts, including King Prempeh II’s war attire, ceremonial garments, jewelry, protective amulets, and personal items used for dining and bathing. The royal insignia and brass weights used for weighing gold also add to the grandeur.

One of the most intriguing treasures is the 300-year-old antique bag of Okomfo Anokye, which he famously forbade anyone to open, leaving it shrouded in mystery. This museum is a treasure trove of Ashanti heritage, offering a rich and immersive experience into the lives and legacy of Ashanti royalty.

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