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Umbrella Rock
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Umbrella Rock

Located in Ghana’s Eastern Region, Umbrella Rock is a fascinating natural formation near the famous Boti Falls in Yilo Krobo District.

True to its name, the rock’s massive overhang creates a natural “umbrella” large enough to shelter up to 15 people beneath its shade. Visible during the hike to Boti Falls, it’s a popular stop for visitors seeking to experience this unique landmark.

Local legend says a hunter discovered the rock decades ago while exploring the forest, captivated by its shape. Ever since, it’s been woven into the region’s folklore and draws curious travelers each year.

For those who enjoy hiking, the hour-long trek from Boti Falls to Umbrella Rock offers gentle hills and scenic views, though the hot and humid conditions make water a must. Alternatively, you can reach it by car in about 13 minutes.

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A visit to Umbrella Rock is not just a hike but a chance to connect with nature’s mysteries and explore a legendary destination.

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