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Interesting Facts About Aburi Mountains
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Interesting Facts About Aburi Mountains

Aburi Mountain is located in the Eastern Region of Ghana, about 45 kilometers northeast of Accra. The mountain is part of the Akwapim-Togo Range, which stretches over 200 kilometers.

The mountain is known for its stunning scenery, lush forests, and diverse wildlife. The Aburi Botanical Garden which was established in 1890, is located on the mountain and feature a wide variety of plant species.

Aburi mountain is a popular destination for hiking, birdwatching, and relaxation. It offers panoramic views of Accra and the surrounding landscape.

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The mountain has a beautiful water fall in its environment. It also has significant cultural and historical site that are really interesting. So why not take a trip to this beautiful mountain to experience serenity and the wonderful pecks of nature.

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