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Mognori Eco-village
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Mognori Eco-village

Mognori, which translates to “river bank,” is a charming farming village nestled near the southeastern border of Mole National Park. Rich in the history and traditions of the Hanga clan, this village offers visitors a glimpse into a way of life that has been carefully preserved over the centuries. The people of Mognori are descendants of a Moshi hunter who first settled on Murugu land before the devastating slave raids of the 18th century. Today, the village stands as a proud “Eco-Village,” where many traditional practices are maintained in harmony with the environment.

As a river village, Mognori has long thrived on fishing, hunting, and agriculture. The lush landscape provides not only sustenance but also a wealth of natural resources that the community has skillfully utilized for generations. One of the town’s most fascinating legacies is its deep-rooted tradition of herbal medicine. During a visit, you’ll have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the knowledge of ancient remedies, learning how these traditional medicines are made and their importance to the community.

Mognori is also known for its production of shea butter, an essential part of the local economy. Here, you can witness the meticulous process of shea nut butter making, from the initial harvest of the nuts to the final product—a creamy, natural moisturizer used widely across Ghana. The village, with its balance of tradition and sustainable living, offers an authentic and enriching experience for those who seek to understand the heart of Ghanaian culture and its connection to nature.

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