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The Komfo Anokye Sword Site
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The Komfo Anokye Sword Site

The Komfo Anokye Sword Site, located on the grounds of the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital in Kumasi, holds a key place in Ashanti history. Over 300 years ago, the legendary Okomfo Anokye drove a sword into the ground at this very site, where it remains firmly embedded to this day. Despite countless attempts to remove it, the sword has never budged, fulfilling Okomfo Anokye’s prophecy that no one would ever be able to pull it out.

This site marks the spot where the Golden Stool, the symbol of Ashanti power, descended from the heavens into the lap of King Osei Tutu I, the founder of the Asante Kingdom. Okomfo Anokye foretold that the location would become a place of healing, and true to his prediction, it is now the home of the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital, serving millions over the years.

Visitors to the Sword Site are not only greeted by the rich history of the Ashanti Kingdom but are also given a glimpse into its spiritual and cultural origins. The sword remains a symbol of the Ashanti people’s strength, with local legend holding that the Ashanti state would fall if it were ever removed.

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