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Ethnic Groups in Ghana And Their Dances
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Ethnic Groups in Ghana And Their Dances

Ghana is a culturally diverse country with numerous ethnic groups, each with its unique traditional dances that reflect the history, beliefs, and celebrations of the community. Here are some ethnic groups in Ghana dances:

The Ewes dance agbadza, a lively and energetic dance with intricate footwork and drumming, often performed at Ewe festivals and cultural events. They also dance akpesse, a dance with a slower tempo, emphasizing graceful movements and storytelling through dance gestures.

Ashanti (Asante)

The Asantes dance Kete, a slow, graceful dance performed at Ashanti royal events and festivals, characterized by intricate footwork and hand movements. They also dance adowa, a celebratory dance with rhythmic movements and hand clapping, often performed at weddings, funerals, and social gatherings.


The Ga-adangbe dance kpanlogo, A lively and expressive dance accompanied by drumming and singing, originating from the Ga people and popular in Accra and surrounding areas. They also dance Komi, traditional dance performed at Ga-Adangbe festivals, featuring rhythmic footwork and synchronized movements.


The Fantes dance adzewa, a traditional dance symbolizing unity and strength, often performed by Fante communities during festivals.

Dagbani (Dagomba)

The Dagbani dance lunsi, a dance performed by the Lunsi (griot or praise singer) to tell stories and entertain during social events and ceremonies in Dagbon. They also dance damba, a festival dance with colorful costumes and energetic movements, celebrating the birth of the Islamic Prophet Mohammed.

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They dance Kakube, dance symbolizing unity and cooperation, typically performed at Mole-Dagbon festivals and community gatherings.


They dance AgbaKpanja, traditional Krobo fertility dance performed by women in colorful attire, featuring synchronized steps and clapping. They also dance Korle, a celebratory dance characterized by vigorous movements and rhythmic footwork, often performed at Krobo festivals and ceremonies. 

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