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Interesting Facts About Mountain Kwamisa
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Interesting Facts About Mountain Kwamisa

Mountain Kwamisa is located in the Ashanti Region of Ghana, near the town of Ahiruam. The mountain has an elevation of 756 meters (2,480 feet) above sea level. Mountain Kwamisa is part of the Kwamisa-Atwedee Range, which stretches for about 20 kilometers.

The mountain is known for its unique rock formations and stunning scenery. The mountain is a popular destination for hiking and rock climbing. Many visitors across the world come to this mountain to experience this adventure.

Kwamisa mountain gives a panoramic views of the surrounding landscape of the nearby villages. It is such a beautiful scene. The mountain is home to several species of plants and animals, including some endemic species.

This mountain has several caves and rock shelters, which have archaeological significance. It serves as a significant cultural and historical site, with evidence of ancient human habitation and trade routes.

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Hausa language

Mountain kwamisa is one of the interesting places you would not want to miss visiting on your next trip to the country.

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