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Ten ways to attain citizenship in Ghana
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Ten ways to attain citizenship in Ghana

Ghanaian Citizenship

To be a Ghanaian and an African at large is a pride one would hold forever. Apart from the beautiful culture and harmony we hold as citizens and a country at large, we welcome others to be part of our wonderful family. Here are 10 ways to attain citizenship in Ghana:


If you were born in Ghana and at least one of your parents is a Ghanaian citizen, you may be eligible for Ghanaian citizenship by birth.


This process allows individuals who have resided in Ghana for an extended period and meet specific criteria to apply for citizenship. The requirements typically include a minimum number of years of residency, good character, sound mind, and an intention to continue living in Ghana.


If one or both of your parents are Ghanaian citizens, you may be eligible for Ghanaian citizenship by descent, even if you were born outside of Ghana.

Special eligibility

Certain individuals, such as refugees and stateless persons, may have a pathway to citizenship based on special provisions or international agreements.


Foreign nationals who are married to Ghanaian citizens can apply for citizenship after a period of residency and other specified conditions.

Investment or Employment

In some cases, individuals who make significant investments in the country or hold key employment positions may be eligible to attain citizenship in Ghana.

Ancestral Link

In some cases, individuals with ancestral ties to Ghana may have a pathway to citizenship based on historical or cultural considerations.

See Also


Children who are adopted by Ghanaian citizens may be granted citizenship through the adoption process.

Presidential Grant

The President of Ghana has the authority to grant citizenship in special cases based on discretion and exceptional circumstances.

Exceptional Service

Individuals who have made exceptional contributions to Ghana or demonstrated exceptional service to the country may be eligible for citizenship under special provisions.

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